
I was on my way to order another custom bag from Al’s Attire, walking by the store fronts thinking how bored I am by everyone selling all the same crap. Then I came across Park and Pond, and my boredom lifted.

Everything in the windows looked handmade so I went inside. It turns out they only sell items made by local artists and craftspeople. What really excited me was that so much of the art used throughout the store was of San Francisco.

Now, I love me some Fisherman’s Wharf but the souvenirs there suck because they don’t represent the actual city (except of course when they’re so weird they blow your mind). Park and Pond had the kind of souvenirs I want, those made by the people who actually live in the location, so the pieces represent the feeling of the place.

Next time I meet anyone who’s visiting San Francisco, I’m going to make sure they buy their SF souvenirs at Park and Pond. And most likely I’ll go with them, so I can stock up on some more for myself.

Raise the Bar / Gown About Town event update: We’ve been working in conjunction with A Band of Wives, a great local social network, to make the event benefit the volunteer foster kid advocate charity SFCASA. Our current plan is for the event to take place at the HiLo Club on Polk St. on Thursday April 4th. Stay tuned for more details.

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the author

Babe Scanlon is a writer living and working in San Francisco. She's worked as an archaeologist, computer game designer, agent at Agent Provocateur and hypnotherapist. She is controlling your mind at this very moment.

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